Allowable and Non-Allowable Costs Guidance
Allowable and Non-Allowable Costs
3. Specific Cost Guidance by Category
3.17. Equipment and other capital expenditures
Ref 2 CFR Part 200, §200.439.
The following rules of allowability must apply to equipment and other capital expenditures:
- Capital
expenditures for general purpose equipment, buildings, and land are unallowable as direct
charges, except with the prior written approval of the Federal awarding agency or pass-
through entity.
- Capital expenditures for special purpose equipment are allowable as direct
costs, provided that items with a unit cost of $5,000 or more have the prior written approval of
the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity.
- Capital expenditures for
improvements to land, buildings, or equipment which materially increase their value or useful
life are unallowable as a direct cost except with the prior written approval of the Federal
awarding agency, or pass-through entity. See §200.436 Depreciation, for rules on the
allowability of depreciation on buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. See also
§200.465 Rental costs of real property and equipment.
- When approved as a direct charge
pursuant to paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section, capital expenditures will be charged
in the period in which the expenditure is incurred, or as otherwise determined appropriate and
negotiated with the Federal awarding agency.
- The unamortized portion of any equipment
written off as a result of a change in capitalization levels may be recovered by continuing to
claim the otherwise allowable depreciation on the equipment, or by amortizing the amount to
be written off over a period of years negotiated with the Federal cognizant agency for indirect
- Cost of equipment disposal. If the College is instructed by the Federal awarding
agency to otherwise dispose of or transfer the equipment the costs of such disposal or transfer
are allowable.
- Equipment and other capital expenditures are unallowable as indirect costs.
See §200.436 Depreciation.
The following rules of allowability apply to equipment and other capital expenditures:
- Capital expenditures for general purpose equipment, buildings, and
land are unallowable as direct charges, except where approved in advance by NCCCS.
- Capital expenditures for special purpose equipment are allowable as direct costs, provided
that items with a unit cost of $5000 or more have the prior approval of the awarding agency.
- Capital expenditures for improvements to land, buildings, or equipment which materially
increase their value or useful life are unallowable as a direct cost except with the prior
approval of the awarding agency.
- When approved as a direct charge pursuant to
subsections (1) through (3) above, capital expenditures will be charged in the period in which
the expenditure is incurred, or as otherwise determined appropriate by and negotiated with
the awarding agency.
- Equipment and other capital expenditures are unallowable as
indirect costs.