Perkins Policies & Procedures
General Information
ACCS performs “desk-top” and on-site monitoring visits of colleges receiving Perkins grant funds based on risk of noncompliance with Federal statues, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward of the Perkins Act.
Colleges selected for on-site monitoring are determined by a number of risk factors to include
but not limited to:
- Failure to meet Perkins core indicator levels for 2 or more consecutive years;
- Significant deficiency in any Perkins core indicators;
- Newly assigned key personnel affecting Perkins budgeting or control of Perkins resources
- Significant amounts of Perkins funds received
- Other factors requiring an on-site monitoring visit as determined by the NCCCS Director of CTE
The CTE Division of NCCCS will coordinate with Colleges identified for onsite monitoring and
will provide the following items as applicable:
A Self-Assessment ChecklistA “Final Expenditure Report” for the previous “completed” fiscal year (these are used for property inventory purposes)A copy of the college’s Five Year Plan and addendums to the plan (if not previously provided), andA graph showing performance trends as they compare to the target levels for the CorePerformance IndicatorsAdditional items as necessary
NOTE: Additional monitoring requirements may be indicated due to updates or changes to federal monitoring and reporting requirements. Colleges will be notified of these updates in a timely manner to facilitate accurate monitoring.
On-site Monitoring
NCCCS conducts ongoing monitoring to ensure the Perkins program is administered correctly and in compliance with federal and state requirements. Technical support will be provided during these visits where requested or required. Any findings will be documented and forwarded to the president of the institution for the initiation of a corrective action plan. Areas that are found to be commendable or identified as “best practices” will also be included in the documentation forwarded to the president. This will be an opportunity for open dialogue between the college and the NCCCS monitoring team, to ask questions and obtain some specific training and professional development needed by the college for Perkins performance improvement.Follow-Up Report
A report from the Director of CTE will be forwarded to the president of the college within
30 days of the monitoring visit. This report will document the specific findings (positive and
negative) and will inform the president if any corrective actions are required, and the date
due, if applicable.