Perkins Policies & Procedures
Accountability Requirements
State Performance Measures (Core Indicators)
The state and local levels of performance are in accordance with the Final Agreed Upon Performance Levels (FAUPL) designated by OCTAE annually. Colleges report their performance based on these target levels. Target levels for core indicators are on the ACCS Web site. Core indicators for ACCS Education are:
1P1 |
CTE concentrators attaining technical skills. |
2P1 |
CTE concentrators receiving an award, industry, or professional organization recognized credential during the reporting year. |
3P1 |
CTE concentrators who remained enrolled or transferred to another ACCS institution or 4 year college. |
4P1 |
CTE concentrators employed, in military, or apprenticeship programs in the 2nd quarter following the term in which they left the NCCCS. |
5P1 |
CTE nontraditional (gender) students participating in nontraditional programs. |
5P2 |
CTE nontraditional (gender) students completing a nontraditional program. |
NCCCS includes targets for college performance for each core indicator in the annual reporting instructions. Colleges not meeting at least 90% of the target for the core indicator must provide an improvement plan with their annual Perkins report and indicate specified funding in their annual Perkins budget to address any core indicator deficiencies. This may include specific disaggregated data per core indicator to the CTE program level. Colleges may use college funding sources in lieu of Perkins funds or combine Perkins funding with other college funding to address deficiencies, so long as the combination of funds do not violate federal, state, NCCCS funding rules.
Actual levels of performance drive modifications to the colleges’ and the state’s plans for
career and technical education. Colleges are to compare actual levels of performance for
the data collection period with current targeted levels of performance. Based on this
comparison, areas in need of improvement are identified and changes are implemented
as warranted. Changes that require modifications to the college plan are to be noted in
the appropriate locations in the report as directed. The modifications must include at a
minimum the actions taken, Perkins funds to be allocated, and target levels of
improvement. (See Appendix C for guidance on Program Advisory Committees.)
Specific situations that require an improvement strategy from the college include:
- any performance indicator that reflects an actual performance of less than 90% of the
targeted performance level for that core indicator, and/or
- after reviewing disaggregated data for race/ethnicity and special populations it is determined that a specific category of race/ethnicity or special populations shows a greater than 10% negative variance from the aggregate performance for all students for a given indicator.
NCCCS will review the college’s proposed plans for sufficiency and relevancy and offer recommendations as appropriate. Progress in meeting the improvements will be monitored throughout the year. Colleges failing to meet or show significant improvement for two consecutive years may be directed to address the core indicator with an agreed upon portion of their Perkins allocation.
If the NCCCS fails to meet 90 percent of the agreed upon performance levels, then it must submit a state-wide program improvement plan to OCTAE. This includes possible directed actions to the individual or collective colleges’ improvement plans. These improvement plans will include measurable actions and will be monitored throughout the reporting year. NCCCS may direct allocation of Perkins funding for any core indicator target levels not met. After three consecutive years of falling below 90 percent of the agreed upon levels, no improvements within the one year improvement plan, or if the state does not implement an improvement plan, the U.S. Secretary of Education may withhold all or part of the federal allocated Perkins funds.
Consolidated Annual Report
Each year the NCCCS submits a Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) to the SDE for final submission to the U.S. Department of Education, regarding the progress of the state in achieving the state adjusted levels of performance.
NCCCS provides specific instructions to colleges for content and format for completing the respective college’s annual report on their core indicator performance.
All reporting documents and forms are available on the NCCCS Moodle site.