Local Plans

In accordance with The Perkins legislation, Section 134(b)(1) through (12), colleges must conduct certain activities. The following activities and requirements must be addressed in accordance with the Act. Provide a brief concise narrative for each of the following.

Local Application

  1. Describe how the CTE programs required under Section 135(b) will be carried out with funds received under this title.
  2. Describe how the CTE activities will be carried out with respect to meeting state and local levels of performance established under Section 113 (Accountability/Core Indicators).
  3. Describe how the eligible recipient (college) will:
    • Offer the appropriate courses of not less than one CTE program of study.
    • Improve the academic and technical skills of students participating in CTE programs by strengthening the academic and CTE components of such programs through the integration of coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant CTE programs to ensure learning in:
    • Provide students with strong experience in, and understanding of, all aspects of an industry.
    • Ensure that students who participate in such CTE programs are taught to the same coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards as are taught to all other students.
    • Encourage career and technical education students to enroll in rigorous and challenging academic subjects.
  4. Describe how comprehensive professional development (including initial teacher preparation) for CTE, academic, guidance, and administrative personnel will be provided that promotes the integration of coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant CTE (including curriculum development).
  5. Describe how parents, students, academic and CTE teachers, faculty, administrators, career guidance and academic counselors, representatives of tech prep consortia (if applicable), representatives of the entities participating in activities described in Section 117 (Workforce Investment Act), Public Law 105-220 (if applicable), representatives of business (including small business) and industry, labor organizations, representatives of special populations, and other interested individuals are involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs assisted under this title, and how such individuals and entities are effectively informed about, and assisted in understanding the requirements of this title, including CTE programs of study.
  6. Provide assurances that the eligible recipient (college) will provide a CTE program that is of such size, scope, and quality to bring about improvement in the quality of CTE programs.
  7. Describe the process that will be used to evaluate and continuously improve the performance of the eligible recipient.
  8. Describe how the eligible recipient (college) will:
    • Review CTE programs, and identify and adopt strategies to overcome barriers that result in lowering rates of access to, or lowering success in the programs, for special populations.
    • Provide programs that are designed to enable the special populations to meet the local adjusted levels of performance.
    • Provide activities to prepare special populations, including single parents and displaced homemakers, for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency.
  9. Describe how individuals who are members of special populations will not be discriminated against on the basis of their status as members of the special populations.
  10. Describe how funds will be used to promote preparation for non-traditional fields.
  11. Describe how career guidance and academic counseling will be provided to CTE students, including linkages to future education and training opportunities.
  12. Describe efforts to improve:
    • The recruitment and retention of CTE teachers, faculty, and career guidance and academic counselors, including individuals in groups underrepresented in the teaching profession.
    • The transition to teaching from business and industry.
  13. The plan must include the recipient’s strategy for the grant award for the upcoming year. During the planning process, the following should be reviewed to determine potential activities for Perkins funding:
    • Local five-year plan and institutional needs;
    • Usage categories in Section 134 of the Perkins Act;
    • Low performance areas and associated core indicator areas that could be improved;
    • Institutional data regarding student achievement;
    • Feedback from program instructors, advisory councils and/or the business community; and
    • Special population performance.

Modification to Plan and Application

Changes to a college’s 5 year plan are driven by a number of factors including, but not limited to, local business and industry input, student needs, and previous performance of measures of core indicators. Generally these changes are reflected in the annual college Perkins performance report.

This annual report reflects performance in relation to the core indicators. It serves as the college’s annual application for Perkins funds. Colleges must reflect in their report a plan for improving any core indicator below the adjusted level of performance and any funds directed at improvement.

NCCCS serves as the approval authority for Annual Modification to Plan and Application. NCCCS will notify colleges of approval or need for modification.

The current five year plans submitted by the colleges, pertaining to Perkins IV, expired in 2013. Colleges will submit a College Plan for Career and Technical Education, which serves as the Application for Perkins IV Basic Grant funds. This plan is contained within the annual report submitted to ACCS reflecting Perkins activities during the preceding Perkins reporting year. Additional revisions may be directed as necessary to changes in the Perkins law or other directions from OCTAE.