Allocation of Federal Funds

Community colleges and consortia of community colleges offering (CTE) programs are eligible for Perkins funds provided that the funding to be allocated through the formula funding process is not less than $50,000.  Funding is based on the number of CTE students receiving Federal Pell Grant Assistance and/or recipients of assistance from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).  The formula, as dictated by the Act, is as follows:

 College allocations are calculating by dividing the number of Pell and BIA students at the college by the total number of Pell and BIA students statewide and then multiplying the percentage and total funding allocation.

Community colleges not meeting the minimum of $50,000 through the above formula are not eligible to receive an allotment.  They may, however, form a consortium with another community college. One college will be the fiscal agent. The consortium receives the total amount both colleges generated and the colleges plan their budget together based on individual needs. Contact the Director of CTE at the System Office for more information.

In March or April, a Pell Grant Verification Form is sent to the Perkins contact at each college.  These are the numbers used in the formula process so it is important to have accurate numbers.  Usually, Financial Aid staff assists in collecting this information.